UNM-LA Receives Endowment Distribution
November 21, 2019 - Nancy Coombs
UNM-LA Receives Endowment Distribution From LACF
UNM-Los Alamos (UNM-LA) has received the first annual distribution from the Los Alamos Community Foundation (LACF) Community Endowment for UNM-LA.
Members of the Foundation presented the distribution to UNM-LA Chancellor Dr. Cynthia Rooney.
LACF Executive Director Rachel Kizielewicz said, “LACF is honored to provide the inaugural payment from the Community Endowment for UNM-LA, which is the first designated fund created at LACF. We look forward to providing a regular income stream to support the educational efforts of our local university in perpetuity.”
The Endowment was established with an initial contribution in 2018 from Pat Soran, UNM-LA Advisory Board member, and his wife Ann Hayes, to provide annual support to underwrite the needs of UNM-LA. Since its inception, the fund has grown to over $30,000.
According to the Endowment guidelines, the annual distribution is spent at the discretion of the campus leadership. This year the decision was made to support the new Certificate in Welding program by purchasing a Lincoln Electric Auto Darkening Welding Helmet. This program was launched in Fall 2019 to train workers to enter the workforce after one year of coursework.
“I am extremely thankful to Pat and Ann for establishing the Community Endowment for UNM-LA at the Los Alamos Community Foundation,” said UNM-LA Chancellor Rooney. “Through their initiative, and the generosity of other donors, our campus will be able to have an alternate stream of revenue to support initiatives on campus.”
Established in 2015, the focus of the Los Alamos Community Foundation is to improve the quality of life in our community by inspiring, facilitating and supporting enduring philanthropy, and building the capacity of our local nonprofit organizations. The Los Alamos Community Foundation currently stewards six local endowment funds and total assets of more than $266,500. For more information about the Los Alamos Community Foundation, visit www.losalamoscf.org. Donations to UNM-LA may be made by linking to the Community Endowment for UNM-LA listed as an available fund under the Giving tab.
Photograph by Nancy Coombs, UNM-LA
Los Alamos Community Foundation (LACF) Executive Director Rachel Kizielewicz presents a check to UNM-LA Chancellor Dr. Cindy Rooney (center), accompanied in the UNM-LA Machine/Welding Shop by (L-R) UNM-LA Business Manager Bob Harmon, LACF Board of Directors President David Izraelevitz, and Board of Directors member and UNM-LA Advisory Board member Pat Soran. Soran holds a Lincoln Electric Auto Darkening Welding Helmet, similar to the helmet purchased from the UNM-LA Endowment distribution.