Campus Safety
2023 Campus Safety and Security Report
Emergency Contact Information
LoboRESPECT Title IX Coordinator Title IX Reporting Crisis Resources Reporting a Crime on Campus
Los Alamos Police Department |
Dispatch |
Los Alamos Fire Department |
Non-emergency: Non-emergency: |
505.662.8301 505.667.7026 |
New Mexico Poison Control Center |
1.800.222.1222 |
Los Alamos Medical Center |
505.662.4201 |
LANL Emergency Management |
505.667.6211 |
UNM-Los Alamos Main Office |
505.662.5919 |
Campus Safety Coordinator: Tony Gallegos |
505-663-3406 |
Facilities: Betsy Suazo |
505.920.0649 |
Human Resources: Cindy Leyba |
505.661.4687 |
Crisis Center of Northern New Mexico |
505.753.1656 |
Los Alamos Family Council |
505.662.4160 |
UNM Main Campus Safety, Health |
505.277.2753 |
Important Websites
Los Alamos Police Department https://www.losalamosnm.us/Government/Departments-and-Divisions/Police-Department
Los Alamos Fire Department https://www.losalamosnm.us/Government/Departments-and-Divisions/Fire-Department
Safety: You Make a Difference
Your safety and security are of prime concern at The University of New Mexico - Los Alamos and we are working hard to ensure the campus is a safe place to live, learn, work and play. UNM-Los Alamos is not, however, exempt from crime. We are doing our part to prevent crimes, but to be safe and secure, YOU must take common sense precautions, be alert and look out for others. Maintaining an effective police department is a community effort, and together we can ensure UNM-Los Alamos remains safe.
The University of New Mexico Los Alamos campus, located in Los Alamos, New Mexico, is a community of approximately 1200 students and permanent faculty and staff. Visitors come to our campus to attend lectures, symposia's, concerts, plays and other events. Our campus is surrounded by the incorporated city and county of Los Alamos. With our large and constantly changing student population, we have maintained an extremely low crime rate.
The UNM-Los Alamos is committed to providing the highest quality education for its students. Drawing upon its greatest asset, the human and physical resources of Los Alamos, its programs shall be threefold: two-year academic transfer programs; a wide ranging program of community education responsive to the needs of the region and Associate degree programs with emphasis on those technical areas that have a nationally demonstrated demand and that use the distinctive Los Alamos expertise.
The UNM-Los Alamos is committed to providing these programs to all students of the region, and it commits itself to provide the services, including developmental services necessary to help these students achieve their goals. Furthermore, the UNM-Los Alamos will seek active cooperation with all neighboring educational programs and institutions, confident that such cooperation is in the best interest of the student and the region.
The UNM-Los Alamos Administration is here to protect you and offers numerous services to ensure your safety.
The UNM-Los Alamos works directly with Los Alamos County Police Department, which is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to respond to your needs. All Los Alamos PD police officers are required to meet state certification standards mandated by the New Mexico Department of Public Safety. They have full power of peace officers on campus, including the authority to enforce all applicable laws, ordinances and campus traffic regulations, and the authority to arrest.
The UNM Administration investigates complaints of on-campus criminal activity, working closely with the Los Alamos Police Department to ensure effective prosecution. Through an agreement with the Albuquerque Police Department, UNM Police enforce Federal and State laws and regulations in the fraternity/sorority and student housing areas. Also, the UNM Police Department has written agreements with the Albuquerque Police Department, Bernalillo County Sheriffs Department and the Rio Rancho Police Department concerning law enforcement and criminal investigations.
UNM-Los Alamos Administration encourages students, faculty, staff and visitors to promptly report all crimes. Crimes occurring on campus should be reported to UNM-Los Alamos Administration at 662.5919. Crimes committed on and off the UNM-Los Alamos campus should be reported to the Los Alamos Police Department at 662.8222.
In an emergency you may dial 911. The 911 system automatically traces the location of all calls, which enables officers to respond even when a caller cannot provide the location. When you are on or off-campus dial 911, your call will be received by the Los Alamos Police Department. In an emergency you may dial 911, non-emergency 662.8222.
In the event of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat on campus, UNM has a multi-faceted, emergency communications system designed to notify students, faculty, staff and visitors through text and email alerts and web page notifications. Plans and policies are in place such that the UNM-Los Alamos will, without delay, and taking into account the safety of the campus community, determine the content of the notification and initiate the notification system, unless issuing a notification will, in the professional judgment of responsible authorities, compromise efforts to assist a victim or to contain, respond to or otherwise mitigate the emergency. Students, faculty and staff are automatically enrolled in LoboAlerts which is an emergency text messaging system and the greater community can also receive the alerts through social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook, or can sign up for the UNM Community Text Messaging site.
UNM-Los Alamos follows the UNM Emergency Control Policy (UNM Policy 6130) which outlines the process that the UNM Police Department uses to confirm that a significant emergency exists and the process used to target messages to the appropriate segments of the Albuquerque campus. The decision to send out notification of a significant emergency lies with the UNM Executive Director, the Campus Resources Director, the Dean of Instruction, and/or the Director of Student Enrollment, or any of their respective designees. Ideally these officials will collaborate when deciding whether to initiate the notification system; however, these officials are authorized to initiate the system on their own, without first obtaining the concurrence of the others, if circumstances do not allow for collaboration. The UNM-Los Alamos Communications and Marketing Department assists in crafting the content of the notification message which is then disseminated by the appropriate communications department to the campus community through one or more of the systems described above.
UNM-Los Alamos provides orientation to new students, faculty, staff and campus groups and departments regarding basic safety and emergency preparedness efforts. Materials are available on-line allowing the campus community to refresh their understanding of emergency response and evacuation procedures at any time. Lobo Red-E, UNMs Emergency Preparedness webpage is available at http://loborede.unm.edu. UNM-Los Alamos has a Campus Safety Coordinator who reviews emergency response and evacuation plans and procedures on an on-going basis. The UNM-Los Alamos Campus Safety Coordinator maintains documentation of each test, a description of the exercise, the date, time and whether it was announced or unannounced.
UNM-Los Alamos has established procedures to immediately notify the campus community upon the confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees occurring on the campus. In case of an emergency, UNM-Los Alamos will, without delay, and taking into account the safety of the community, determine the content of the notification and initiate the notification system, unless the notification will, in the professional judgment of responsible authorities, compromise efforts to assist victims or to contain, respond to, or otherwise mitigate the emergency.
A general flip guide to emergencies has been developed and posted throughout by UNM-Los Alamos, in concert with other public safety and health entities, to provide faculty and staff with a quick reference to use in times of emergencies. The information contained in this guide established a process for evaluating, confirming and reporting the emergency to allow the Branch to determine who to notify, determine the content of the notification, and initiate the notification system. The Branch also has established procedures for disseminating emergency information to the larger community, as well as procedures to test the emergency response and evacuation procedures on an annual basis and documenting a description of the details of the exercise. More specific guidance and instructions for a particular emergency can be obtained by calling the Los Alamos Police Department at 911 during emergencies (or 662-8222 for non-emergencies at any time).
Safety Training
Safety Training is provided periodically for staff, faculty and student employees. Please watch for upcoming training sessions. Training in how to handle a wide variety of emergency situations is available from UNM-Los Alamos, the Los Alamos Police and Fire Department, as well as other agencies. This includes classes on crime prevention, CPR and First Aid. For more information on these courses, call the Police Department administration at 662-8222 during normal business hours
If the UNM Administration and Los Alamos Police Department receive information that a crime has occurred that represents a serious or continuing threat to the UNM-Los Alamos community, a timely warning notice will be sent to students, staff and faculty in an effort to promote safety and aid in the prevention of similar crimes. The UNM-Los Alamos Executive Director (or designee) authorizes the issuance of a timely warning notice. The notice will include information about the circumstance that triggered the timely warning and what action members of the campus community are advised to take to protect themselves. The UNM-Los Alamos Executive Director (or designee) may decide to issue updates as needed as the situation evolves.
UNM-Los Alamos maintains multiple systems that are utilized to warn the campus community of crimes, including text alerts, email alerts, and web alerts. Students, faculty and staff are automatically enrolled in LoboAlerts, which is an emergency text messaging system.
The UNM-Los Alamos Administration works with the University's communications departments to determine the content of the alert, which is then disseminated by the appropriate communications department to the campus community through one or more of the systems described above.
The UNM-Los Alamos Administration encourages anyone who is the victim of, or witness to, any crime on the UNM-Los Alamos campus to promptly report the incident to the UNM-Los Alamos Administration and the Los Alamos Police Department. Under New Mexico law, the original entry police report must be made available for review upon request by a member of the public. UNM Administration and Los Alamos Police Department does not identify crime victims by name in the original entry police report. Supplemental police reports detailing the investigation, and including the names of the victim, accused and witnesses are not available for public inspection. A crime victim or witness to a crime who does not want to report the incident to the police, but wants it included as a statistic in the Annual Security & Fire Safety Report may make a confidential report to a UNM-Los Alamos Administration, as identified below.
The UNM-Los Alamos Campus Safety Coordinator compiles and reports annual crime statistics to inform the campus community about crime and related problems. Statistics are gathered from Los Alamos Police Department reports for areas of public property and non-campus property associated with UNM-Los Alamos that are within the jurisdiction of this law enforcement agency. Public property and non-campus property are geographic areas defined by the federal Act for which crime statistics must be reported. The annual crime statistic tables at the end of this report include the definitions of those terms.
In addition to reporting crime statistics from reports made to the UNM-Los Alamos Administration and Los Alamos Police Department, UNM-Los Alamos Campus Safety Coordinator contacts other campus departments on the UNM-Los Alamos campus to find out if any crimes were reported to those offices, including confidential crime reports, which were not reported to law enforcement. Reports of crimes made to all offices and University personnel, including reports made confidentially, are included in the annual crime statistics.
The UNM-Los Alamos Administrative Office encourages anyone who is the victim or witness to any crime to promptly report the incident to the police. Due to the fact that police reports are public records under state law, the UNM-Los Alamos Administration cannot hold reports of crime in confidence. Confidential reports for purposes of inclusion in the annual disclosure of crime statistics can generally be made to other UNM-Los Alamos Campus Administrative authorities. Students may contact Kathryn Vigil, Enrollment Manager at 662.4688 or kaguilar@unm.edu; staff, faculty and all others may contact Dr. Mike Holtzclaw, Chancellor at 505-661-4689 or mholtzclaw@unm.edu.
The UNM-Los Alamos Administration compiles and reports annual crime statistics to inform the University community about crime and related problems. The UNM-Los Alamos Administration should be notified immediately whenever a crime is discovered, suspected, or witnessed on campus property. After 7 p.m., individuals may reach the administration by contacting any campus employee.
Each year, an email notification is sent to all enrolled students and UNM-Los Alamos faculty and staff that briefly describes the annual security report and includes the most recent calendar years crime statistics. The email also includes the exact website address to access the full report. Copies of the annual security report may also be obtained at the UNM-Los Alamos Administration office, Building 1. Prospective students and employees may request a copy of the report or access it on the UNM-Los Alamos website.
Table 1 at the end of this report shows statistics for reported crimes in 2020, 2021, and 2022 on campus as well as non-campus property and public property surrounding the campus. Table 1b contains 2020, 2021, and 2022 statistics of referrals for disciplinary action for alcohol, drug and weapons law violations referred to disciplinary action. Table 2 shows UNM-Los Alamos fire statistics.
In accordance with the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act of 2000 (CSPA), UNM-Los Alamos is providing a link to the New Mexico Department of Public Safety for law enforcement agency information concerning registered sex offenders. The CSPA requires institutions of higher education to inform the campus community where law enforcement information about registered sex offenders may be obtained. It also mandates that sex offenders who are required to register in a State must also give notice of each institution of higher education in that State at which the person is employed, carries on a vocation, or is a student. Additionally, the New Mexico Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act requires a convicted sex offender who is employed by, enrolled at, volunteering with or carrying on a vocation at an institution of higher education to register with the university's law enforcement department, the university registrar, the county sheriff for the county in which the higher education institution is located as well as the county sheriff for the county in which the sex offender resides. Registration at UNM-Los Alamos is administered by the Los Alamos Police Department (2500 Trinity Drive) or the Student Services Center (Bldg 2, Lower level).
A list of registered sex offenders is available online from the New Mexico Department of Public Safety at www.nmsexoffender.dps.state.nm.us / or by calling the Los Alamos County Sheriffs Department at 505.468.7100.
During new student and new transfer student orientations that take place during the week before fall and spring semester matriculation, students are informed of services offered by the University of New Mexico Los Alamos Administration. During these sessions, there are presentations and skits concerning substance abuse, campus safety and sexual assault.
During new and transfer student orientations, parents are also invited to attend sessions that explain campus safety and provide mechanisms for parents to inform their student about how to stay safe in the new campus environment.
During new employee orientation, information is provided that explains how to report emergencies or crime. Information about how to contact Los Alamos Police Department is also provided.
As requested by campus departments, offices and various student, staff and faculty groups, the UNM-Los Alamos Campus Safety Coordinator conducts presentations that center on personal safety and work-place security, and sexual assault programs. Most of the presentations also include specific examples for the requesting group. The UNM-Los Alamos Administration encourages everyone to promptly report crime or suspicious activity to police. The Administration also makes people aware of their shared responsibility to prevent crime on campus.
The University has a robust emergency alert system that has three parts: text alerts, email alerts and web page alerts. These components are utilized when emergencies occur that may impact the campus community. The alerts also include information that tells people the actions they should immediately take to remain safe.
There are a number of recognized student groups at UNM-Los Alamos. At some point during the year, the recognized student groups hold some type of meeting or event on campus or at an off-campus venue. Both on-campus and off-campus law enforcement, should it be needed, would fall to the Los Alamos Police Department that has primary jurisdiction.
UNM-Los Alamos Administration routinely work and communicate with the Los Alamos Police Department, the Los Alamos County Sheriffs Office, the New Mexico State Police, and a variety of federal agencies, both on-campus and in areas within close proximity to the campus. UNM-Los Alamos does not operate off-campus housing or off-campus student organization facilities. Many UNM-Los Alamos students live in off-campus apartments that are within close proximity to the campus. The Los Alamos Police Department has primary jurisdiction in these areas.
We also offer several crime prevention programs designed to keep you safe. Services are available free of charge.
- ALARM SYSTEM: We operate a computerized intrusion and fire alarm system to monitor facilities throughout campus to enhance personal and building security.
- CRIME PREVENTION MATERIALS: Free brochures and other documents regarding crime prevention are available at the Administration office and other campus locations.
- LOST AND FOUND: UNM-Los Alamos Administration operates the main lost and found service for the campus.
- ACCESS TO CAMPUS FACILITIES: We strive to make our campus safe by limiting access to buildings after hours. Buildings on campus are generally open during regular business hours, when class is in session and for special events. Persons authorized to remain in a building after closing time are required to have proper identification at all times. Los Alamos Police and UNM-Los Alamos Campus Safety Coordinator conduct frequent internal and external checks of buildings on campus.
We have instituted many programs at UNM to ensure your safety while on campus, but safety really begins with you. The following are some tips to help protect yourself from crime:
- If you go out for a late night snack or study break, go with a friend, not alone.
- Walk purposefully. Look confident. Watch where you are going. Be alert to your surroundings.
- Use well-lighted, well-traveled routes. Avoid short-cuts through isolated areas.
- Lock all doors and close all windows when leaving your car, whether it is for a few minutes or for several hours.
- Have keys ready when you approach your car. Check the car for intruders before entering and lock your door immediately after getting into your car.
- Always lock your bike or motorcycle when leaving it unattended, even if it is only for a few minutes. Use the U-shaped high security lock whenever possible.
- If you witness a crime, call Los Alamos Police immediately.
- List only first initials and last name in telephone directories.
- Hang up immediately on obscene telephone calls.
- Don't keep large sums of money in your office, study area or apartment.
Lock doors and windows, even if you are just going out for a minute.If you are a victim of a crime or become aware of any suspicious circumstances, call Los Alamos Police immediately.
UNM-Los Alamos policy on illegal drugs and alcohol can be found at the end of this Safety and Security Report. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of controlled substances or alcohol on UNM-Los Alamos property as part of any activity by any member of the University community -faculty, staff, or student - is strictly prohibited. Federal and State laws relating to controlled substances and alcohol are enforced by the UNM-Los Alamos Administration. The University enforces the State of New Mexico underage drinking laws and therefore does not permit the possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages by people under the age of twenty-one.
As a condition of employment or enrollment, all UNM-Los Alamos employees and students are required to abide by the terms of the policy. Violation of the policy will result in disciplinary action up to and including employee dismissal or student expulsion and/or participation in an approved substance abuse treatment or rehabilitation program.
Recognizing the dangers of substance abuse in the work place, UNM-Los Alamos uses alcohol and drug-free awareness programs to inform the community of the issues and risks of substance abuse. Numerous educational and treatment resources are also available, including:
- AGORA CRISIS CENTER – This UNM student-run organization provides free listening and referral services by trained students and community volunteers. Phone 277.3013.
- ADDICTION AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE PROGRAMS (ASAP) – The mission of ASAP is to provide treatment services to the community. Phone 925.2400.
- COUNSELING, ASSISTANCE AND REFERRAL SERVICE (CARS) – This employee assistance program for UNM staff provides counseling and referral services. Phone 272.6868.
- CAMPUS OFFICE OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE PREVENTION – COSAP coordinates and develops substance abuse prevention and training programs and policies for the university and larger community. Phone 277.2795.
- COUNSELING AND THERAPY SERVICES (CATS), STUDENT HEALTH & COUNSELING – This department of the Student Health & Counseling (SHAC) offers psychological and psychiatric services to UNM students. Phone 277.4537.
- LOS FAMILY COUNCIL, INC.: Crisis Line 24/7 662-4422, Office 505-662-3264 or 1-877-602-4060
- WOMEN'S RESOURCE CENTER – This center promotes, supports and advocates for all women in the university community; it can provide information and referrals. Phone 277.3716.
Notification of Policy
Students will receive notification of this Policy annually through its inclusion in the University of New Mexico Annual Security Report.
It is the policy of UNM Los Alamos to provide a safe and healthful environment. Our goal is to minimize all recognizable hazards and to comply with all federal, state, and local health, safety, environmental and fire regulation and recommended practices.
Law enforcement officers, in the performance of their authorized duties, may carry weapons on campus.
No other person may use or possess a weapon on any part of campus. For the purpose of this policy, weapons include, but are not limited to, firearms, ammunition or other dangerous weapons, substances, or materials, bombs, explosives, or incendiary devices.
If any person does carry such weapons and/or materials on campus, the weapons and/or materials may be impounded by a law enforcement officer from Los Alamos Police Department for the duration of the person's stay on campus and the person may also be subject to appropriate disciplinary and/or criminal action.
The UNM Weapons Policy is printed in its entirety in The UNM Pathfinder which is available in the Dean of Students Office (Student Services Center). The Pathfinder is also available on-line at http://pathfinder.unm.edu/.
In accordance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008, UNM-Los Alamos is providing mandatory fire safety information as part of this Annual Report. Detailed data for all on-campus student housing facilities can be found in Table 4 at the end of this Annual Report. UNM-Los Alamos Housing was closed in Fall 2014.
Fire Safety Policies and Rules
Smoking: Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the residence halls and apartments. UNM-Los Alamos is a tobacco-free campus and smoking is prohibited in all University property except for a number of specifically designated outdoor areas.
Open flames: Open flames are prohibited in the residence halls and apartments. Students are not allowed to burn or possess candles, incense, kerosene lamps, lighter fluid, propane or charcoal in their rooms.
When a fire alarm sounds in the event of a fire drill or an actual fire, residents must follow established building evacuation procedures as follows:
- All students, staff and visitors are required to exit the building.
- Leave room as quickly as possible and proceed to designated exit.
- Don't go out through emergency exits, unless it is truly an emergency or fire.
- Once you are outside of the building move at least 100 feet away from the building to your designated safe area and stay until a signal to return is given by an emergency responder.
- Stay clear of fire lanes and hydrants.
- Do not remove or alter electrical fixtures or hardware.
UNM-Los Alamos has established a fire safety and prevention policy and procedures for the campus. Fire safety rules communicated to all employees and students during annual orientation must be followed at all times. Staff, faculty, students, and contractors shall comply with this process. Any emergency situation must be reported to the Campus administration and the Los Alamos Fire Department regardless of size or nature. Hazardous conditions or safety concerns must be reported to the administration as appropriate. Failure to do so could result in the possible loss of life and/or property. Persons who knowingly and/or willingly violate the provisions of this program may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including discharge. UNM-Los Alamos is under the jurisdiction of the Los Alamos Fire Department and Fire Marshal office. Fire drills and safety training are conducted on an annual basis.
Approved by the President 10/7/95
This policy provides for The University of New Mexico main and branch campuses:
A. A description of educational programs to promote the awareness of rape, acquaintance rape, and other forcible and non-forcible sex offenses.
B. Procedures students should follow if a sex offense occurs, including procedures concerning who should be contacted, the importance of preserving evidence for the proof of a criminal offense, and to whom the alleged offense should be reported.
C. Information on a student's option to notify proper law enforcement authorities, including on-campus and local police, and a statement that institutional personnel will assist the student in notifying these authorities, if the student requests the assistance of these personnel.
D. Notification to students of existing on and off campus counseling, mental health, or other student services for victims of sex offenses.
E. Notification to students that the institution will change a victim's academic and living situations after an alleged sex offense and of the options for those changes, if requested by the victim and reasonably available.
F. Procedures for campus disciplinary action in cases of an alleged sex offense, including a clear statement that:
1. The accuser and the accused are entitled to the same opportunities to have others present during a disciplinary proceeding.
2. Both the accuser and accused shall be informed of the final determination of a disciplinary proceeding with respect to the alleged sex offense and any sanction that is imposed against the accused.
3. Sanctions the institution may impose following a final determination of an institutional disciplinary proceeding regarding rape, acquaintance rape, or other forcible or non forcible sex offenses.
The University of New Mexico main campus and branch campuses adopt, for the purpose of this policy, the following definitions for sex offenses as prescribed by The Student Right to Know and Campus Security Act:
Sex Offense - Forcible
A. Forcible rape - The carnal knowledge of a person, forcibly and/or against that person's will; or not forcibly or against the person's will where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity (or because of his/her youth).
B. Forcible sodomy - Oral or anal sexual intercourse with another person, forcibly and/or against that person's will; or not forcibly against the person's will where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her youth or because of his/her temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity.
C. Sexual assault with an object - The use of an object or instrument to unlawfully penetrate, however slightly, the genital or anal opening of the body of another person, forcibly and/or against that person's will; or not forcibly or against the person's will where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her youth or because of his/her temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity.
D. Forcible fondling - The touching of the private body parts of another person for the purpose of sexual gratification, forcibly and/or against that person's will; or not forcibly or against the person's will where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her youth or because of his/her temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity.
Sex Offense - Non-forcible
Unlawful, non-forcible sexual intercourse.
A. Incest - Non-forcible sexual intercourse between persons who are related to each other within the degrees wherein marriage is prohibited by law.
B. Statutory Rape - Non-forcible sexual intercourse with a person who is under the statutory age of consent.
Violence Against Women Act
On March 7, 2013, President Obama signed a bill that strengthened and reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act. Included in the bill was the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act (Campus SaVE), which amends the Jeanne Clery Act and affords additional rights to campus victims of sexual violence, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking.
"UNM has a lot of valuable resources available already. SART will help coordinate and focus those efforts in a way that assists the victim from the first response all the way through recovery process. We are better prepared now to deal with sexual assault cases than ever before."
The University of New Mexico recognizes the harm caused by sexual assault and the need to educate the University community regarding this issue. The University offers the following educational program services:
1. Los Alamos Victim Advocate, 505.663.3511
2. Solace Crisis Treatment Center, Santa Fe, 24 Hour Crisis Advocacy Hotline 800.721.7273
3. Los Alamos Police Department, 2500 Trinity Drive, 505.662.8222.
4. Student Services Office, Building 1, 505.662.5919. The students Services office coordinates New Student Orientation which includes programs addressing sexuality, relationships, and sexual assault issues. Student Services also provides information brochures and flyers throughout the campus.
5. Albuquerque Rape Crisis Center, 1025 Hermosa S.E., 505.266.7711. The Albuquerque Rape Crisis Center maintains a 24 hour a day crisis telephone service and has counselors available to provide immediate assistance to victims of sex offenses. The center also provides educational programs to campus and community groups. The center is independent of UNM.
6. UNM Women's Center, 1160 Mesa Vista Hall 505.277.3716. The Women's Center offers a variety of programs regarding gender and sexuality issues. Staff at the center also provide support to victims of sexual offenses and provide mental health referrals for UNM students.
The University's Student Code of Conduct and Visitor Code of Conduct, which apply to the main and all of the branch campuses and educational centers, expressly forbid the commission of sexual assault including rape. A student who is a victim of such an offense may pursue charges against the perpetrator under these policies. It is important for victims of sex offenses to understand the steps to take in order to preserve evidence as it may be necessary in the proof of sexual assault in the criminal process and the student discipline system. Victims should not bathe, shower, wash, douche, brush one's teeth, comb one's hair or change clothes before seeking medical attention. Important evidence may be on the victim's body and/or clothes. This evidence can be collected during the medical examination.
Los Alamos Branch Campus
1. A student who is the victim of a sex offense on campus or at a University sponsored or sanctioned activity should immediately contact the Los Alamos Police Department (505.662.8222 or 911) to report the incident.
2. The University's Student Code of Conduct and Visitor Code of Conduct expressively forbid the commission of sexual assault including rape. A student who is a victim of such offenses may pursue charges against the perpetrator under these policies. The Student Services Office is available to assist victims of sex offenses in making appropriate accommodations in their academic and living arrangements.
3. A person who is a victim of a sex offense committed by a student or a visitor to the Los Alamos Campus has the option of pursuing charges against the perpetrator under the University's Student Code of Conduct or Visitor Code of Conduct. Information can be obtained from the Director of Enrollment in the Student Services Building or by calling 662.5919. The Student Services Office is also available to assist victims of sex offenses in making appropriate accommodations in their academic arrangements.
All victims of sexual assault will be assisted by University staff in contacting appropriate legal authorities and service agencies. Victims are strongly encouraged to report incidents of sexual assault to the Los Alamos Police Department (505-662-8222). Students may contact the Student Services Office (505.662.5919) for assistance in contacting law enforcement authorities and/or service agencies.
- Los Alamos Family Council, Inc.: Crisis Line 24/7 505.662.4422, Office 505-.62.3264 or 1.877.602.4060
- Dean of Students Office, 280 Student Services Center, 505.277.3361. The Dean of Students Office will assist victims of sex offenses with changes in their academic and living situation after an alleged sex offense.
- LoboRespect loborespect.unm.edu/
- Women's Resource Center– This center promotes, supports and advocates for all women in the university community; it can provide information and referrals. Phone 505.277.3716
- Victim Impact Program Office of the District Attorney 2nd Judicial Circuit,111 Union Square SE, 505.841.7107.
- Victim Impact Program Office of the District Attorney, 2nd Judicial Circuit, 111 Union Square SE, Albuquerque, 505.841.7107. The District Attorney's Victim Impact Program provides assistance to victims of all crimes including sex offenses. Advocates in this office assist victims in dealing with the criminal system and securing financial and other assistance due to victims under the law.
- AGORA Crisis Center, 505.277.3013. The AGORA Crisis Center provides confidential peer support and referrals to any student needing to talk about a personal problem.
- Solace, Santa Fe, 505.988.1951, 1.800.721.7273. Solace, formerly the Santa Fe Rape Crisis Center, Inc. provides immediate, confidential, and appropriate care for victims of sexual assault, including a 24 hour a day intervention line medical and legal advocacy; ongoing individual, group and family therapy for children and adults; education and prevention services for schools and community; referral for special services and forensic interviewing facilities.
Los Alamos Branch Campus will change a victim's academic situation after an alleged sexual offense if those changes are requested by the victim and reasonably available. Possible changes are the same as those indicated for the main campus. Specific requests for such changes should be directed to the Student Service Office (505.662.5919).
The University of New Mexico's Student Code of Conduct and Visitor Code of Conduct, which apply to the main campus and all branch campuses and educational centers, prohibit "any form of sexual assault including rape."
The Student and Visitor Codes of Conduct are administered by the Dean of Students Office. A person who is a victim of a sex offense committed by a student, or a student who is a victim of a sex offense committed by a visitor to the University has the option of pursuing charges against the alleged perpetrator of the offense under the relevant Code of Conduct. Victims of sex offenses are encouraged to report them to the appropriate law enforcement authorities and to meet with the University's Student Discipline Officer in the Dean of Students Office to discuss pursuing charges under the relevant policy. A victim of a sex offense is permitted and encouraged to be accompanied at that meeting by a support person of their choice. Counselors from the Albuquerque Rape Crisis Center, Student Mental Health, Women's Center and the District Attorney's Victim Impact Program are available to accompany and assist the victim of a sex offense throughout the University's disciplinary process. Under the University's Student Grievance Procedure, the alleged victim of a sex offense and the alleged perpetrator are entitled to the same opportunities to have others present as advisors during disciplinary proceedings. Both the alleged victim and alleged perpetrator will be informed of the final determination of a disciplinary proceeding with respect to the alleged sex offense and any sanction that is imposed on the accused. As described in The University's Student Grievance Procedure alleged victims in student disciplinary proceedings have rights which are protected throughout the discipline process. These rights are:
1. The right to have a person of their choice accompany them throughout their participation in the discipline process.
2. The right to submit a victim impact statement to the hearing officer or committee.
3. The right to have past irrelevant behavior excluded from the hearing determination. Because of the serious nature of the action, victims of sexual or physical assault also have these additional rights:
4. With a recommendation from a licensed mental health counselor, victims may testify from another room as long as it does not infringe upon the accused student's right to confront and question witnesses.
5. The right to be notified in writing of the final determination and any sanctions imposed as a result of the discipline process.
6. The right to be informed of options to notify law enforcement authorities on and off campus as to the incident and to be assisted in doing so by campus officials.
7. The right to be informed of the option for any available assistance in making reasonable changes in academic and on campus living situations.
8. The right to be notified of existing counseling, mental health or student services for victims of physical or sexual assault. The specific procedures by which Student and Visitor Code of Conduct Violations are resolved can be found in the Student Grievance Procedure published in The University of New Mexico Pathfinder.
Los Alamos Branch Campus Violations of the Student and Visitor Codes of Conduct at the Los Alamos Branch are administered by the Student Services Office (505.662.5919).
A person who is a victim of a sex offense committed by a student, or a student who is a victim of a sex offense committed by a visitor to the center has the option of pursuing charges against the perpetrator of the offense under the relevant Code of Conduct. Victims of sex offenses are encouraged to report them to the Los Alamos Police Department (505.662.8222 or 911). Information regarding pursuing charges under the Student or Visitor Code of Conduct may be obtained by contacting the Student Services Office (505.662.5919). A victim of a sex offense is permitted and encouraged to be accompanied at meetings with University officials by a support person of their choice. This support person may accompany and assist the victim throughout the University's disciplinary process. Under the University's Student Grievance Procedure, the alleged victim of a sex offense and the alleged perpetrator are entitled to the same opportunities to have others present as advisors during disciplinary proceedings. Both the alleged victim and alleged perpetrator will be informed of the final determination of a disciplinary proceeding with respect to the alleged sex offense and any sanction that is imposed on the accused. Victims in student disciplinary proceedings, and victims of sexual assault have the same rights that have been enumerated for the Main Campus.
The specific procedures by which Student and Visitor Code of Conduct violations are resolved can be found in the University of New Mexico Pathfinder.
Under the University's Student Code of Conduct which applies to the main and all of the branch campuses and educational Centers, a student who commits a violation of this Code, including a sex offense, is subject to the following possible sanctions:
1. Verbal warning - means an oral reprimand.
2. Written warning - means a written reprimand.
3. Disciplinary probation - means the establishment of a time period during which further acts of misconduct may or will result in more severe disciplinary sanctions depending upon the conditions of the probation.
Conditions of probation can include community service, attendance at workshops and/or seminars including but not limited to alcohol, drug or safety workshops and/or seminars, mandatory mental health evaluation and/or counseling or other educational sanctions.
4. Suspension - means losing student status for a period of time specified in the terms of the suspension. A suspension may commence immediately upon a finding of a violation or it may be deferred to a later time.
5. Expulsion - means losing student status for an indefinite period of time. Readmission may not be sought before the expiration of two years from the date of expulsion, and it is not guaranteed even after that time.
6. Dismissal - means termination of student employment, either for a stated time period or indefinitely.
7. Barred from campus - means being barred from all or designated portions of The University property or activities.
Students living in the residence halls are subject to the following possible sanctions for misconduct occurring in the residence halls:
1. Verbal warning - means an oral reprimand.
2. Written warning - means a written reprimand.
3. Specific probation - means the establishment of a time period during which specific acts of misconduct may or will result in more severe disciplinary sanctions depending upon the conditions of the probation. Conditions of probation can include community service, attendance at workshops and/or seminars including but not limited to alcohol, drug or safety workshops and/or seminars, mandatory mental health evaluation and/or counseling or other educational sanctions.
4. General probation means the establishment of a time period during which any acts of misconduct may or will result in more severe disciplinary sanctions depending upon the conditions of the probation. Conditions of probation can include community service, attendance at workshops and/or seminars including but not limited to alcohol, drug or safety workshops and/or seminars, mandatory mental health evaluation and/or counseling or other educational sanctions.
5. Housing reassignment - means the transfer of the student from one dorm room to another or one residence hall to another.
6. Restricted from entry into specific residence halls, dining hall, commons building, etc.
7. Contract termination - means the termination of the housing contract either for a stated period of time or indefinitely. Students placed on residence hall probation or who have their contracts canceled will have their conduct case sent to the Dean of Students Office for review/records purposes. Students violating residence hall policies may also be referred to the Dean of Students Office for additional disciplinary review under the Student Code of Conduct. Under the University's Visitor Code of Conduct which applies to the main and all branch campuses and educational Centers, a visitor who commits a violation of this Code, including a sex offense, is subject to the following possible sanctions:
1. Verbal Warning - means an oral reprimand.
2. Written Warning - means a written reprimand.
3. Probation - means the establishment of a time period during which further acts of misconduct may or will result in more severe sanctions depending on the conditions of the probation.
4. Removal from campus means being physically escorted or forcibly removed to a location off property owned or controlled by The University, by University Police Officers or other University agents.
5. Barred from campus - means being barred from all or designated portions of University property or activities.
6. The sanctions of denial of admission, readmission or employment by the University.
7. Additionally or alternatively, any sanction applicable to a student under the Student Code of Conduct may be provisionally applied to a visitor, to be made effective should the visitor ever enroll or re-enroll at the University.
Disclosure for disciplinary proceeding
Institution will, upon written request, disclose to alleged victim of a crime of violence, or a non-forcible sex offense, the report on results of any disciplinary proceeding conducted by such institution against a student who is the alleged perpetrator of such crime or offense. If alleged victim is deceased as a result of such crime or offense, next of kin of such victim shall be treated as the alleged victim for purposes of this paragraph HEOA Sec. 493(a)(1)(A).
Adopted by the President
August 3, 1990
Revised September 11, 1992
This Policy on Illegal Drugs and Alcohol is adopted pursuant to federal laws and because of the commitment of The University of New Mexico to an environment for the pursuit of its educational mission free of drugs and the illegal use of alcohol. Drug and alcohol abuse on campus poses a serious threat to the health and welfare of faculty, staff and students; impairs work and academic performance; jeopardizes the safety and well-being of other employees, students and members of the general public; and conflicts with the responsibility of The University of New Mexico to foster a healthy atmosphere for the pursuit of education, research and service.
This policy covers all property owned, used, leased or controlled by The University of New Mexico, or any other site where official University business is being conducted. "Controlled substances" means those substances in Schedules I through V of section 202 of the Controlled Substances Act, 21 U.S.C. 812, and implementing regulations, 21 CFR 1308.11-1308.15. Controlled substances include, but are not limited to, marijuana, cocaine (including "crack"), amphetamines, heroin, PCP, hallucinogens, and certain prescription drugs. Illegal uses of alcohol include, but are not limited to, serving, buying or drinking alcohol by a minor; assisting a minor or an intoxicated person to get alcohol; selling alcohol without a license and driving while under the influence. This policy is not intended to supersede or negate any existing policies on substance abuse, student or employee discipline, or any additional requirements imposed on The University of New Mexico or its students, faculty or staff by federal or state law.
I. Policy Statement.
The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of controlled substances or alcohol on UNM property or as part of any of its activities by any member of The University of New Mexico community faculty, staff or students strictly prohibited. As a condition of employment, all employees - faculty and staff - of The University of New Mexico shall abide by the terms of this policy. Violation of this policy shall result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. For more detailed information, faculty should refer to the Faculty Handbook and / or contact the Faculty Grants and Contracts Office. Staff may refer to the University Business Policies and Procedures Manual and/or contact the Human Resources Department. As a condition of continued registration and enrollment, any student of The University of New Mexico shall abide by this policy. Violation of this policy shall result in disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion. For more detailed information, students should refer to the Student Code of Conduct and related policies printed in the UNM Pathfinder and/or contact the Dean of Students Office. UNM's response to any violation of this policy may include, as a total or partial alternative to disciplinary action, a requirement that the employee or student participate satisfactorily in an approved substance abuse treatment or rehabilitation program as a condition of continued employment or registration /enrollment. Any employee engaged in the performance of work under a federal contract or grant is required, as a condition of employment, to notify his/her supervisor if he or she is convicted of a criminal drug statute violation occurring in the workplace within five days of such conviction. The supervisor shall notify the University Counsel's Office. Failure of the employee to notify the supervisor shall be grounds for disciplinary action. In recognition of the dangers of substance abuse in the workplace, The University of New Mexico shall maintain alcohol and drug-free awareness programs to inform members of the University community about the issues and risks of substance abuse, and about counseling, and treatment resources. The University shall assign responsibility for such awareness programs to specific administrative entities, which shall be provided sufficient resources to develop and maintain the programs. As a matter of policy, any referral, treatment, awareness or primary prevention programs established by The University of New Mexico shall play no role in enforcing or instituting possible disciplinary action.
II. Legal Sanctions
Legal Sanctions for the Unlawful Possession or Distribution of Illicit Drugs and Alcohol. The penalties for even the most minor of violations of the Liquor Control Act can include fines of up to $300, confiscation of property and imprisonment for up to seven months. More serious violations carry greater penalties, with larger fines and longer imprisonment. Driving or using machinery after drinking or using drugs creates the risk that the user may injure or kill someone. This can result in homicide charges. License revocation and vehicle impoundment are also possible results of driving while under the influence of liquor or drugs. The minimum blood alcohol levels at which drivers' licenses are revoked in New Mexico are: .02% for those under 21 and.08% for those 21 and over. All drivers in New Mexico are presumed to be intoxicated at the .08% level. In drug-related cases a court can permanently suspend eligibility for federal benefits, including financial aid. A criminal record can seriously hurt educational and career opportunities. Penalties for illegal drug use can include significant fines and imprisonment. Penalties for the illegal sale of drugs are greater, and may include property confiscation. Alternative penalties for illegal drug or alcohol use may also include mandatory community service. Violation of laws by a foreign national may result in deportation. Details on federal and state sanctions for the unlawful possession or distribution of illegal drugs are contained in the Policy on Illegal Drugs and Alcohol that appears on page 53 of the 2007-2008 UNM Pathfinder.
III. Health Risks Associated with Use of Illicit Drugs and the Abuse of Alcohol.
Excessive alcohol consumption and abuse of illicit drugs can lead to certain types of cancer, pathological changes in the liver, brain, heart and muscle which can lead to disability and death, addiction, birth defects, shortened life span, stomach ulcers phlebitis, varicose veins, and other health problems. Alcohol and drugs are also a major factor in homicides, assaults, rapes, suicide, family and date violence. Alcohol is significantly involved in all types of accidents- motor vehicle, home, industrial, and recreational. Unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases are often associated with alcohol or other drug abuse, as well as relationship, academic or work problems. For more information on the possible effects and health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and alcohol, contact the Student Health Center Health Education Program (277.7947) or the UNM Campus Office of Substance Abuse Prevention (277-2795). Information on the possible effects and health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and controlled substances is also contained in the Policy on Illegal Drugs and Alcohol in the UNM Pathfinder.
IV. Campus Resources for Substance Abuse Problems Campus Resources for Faculty and Staff
If you are concerned about your own, an employee's or a colleague's alcohol or drug use, contact the CARS program. The intent of CARS is not to intrude into the private lives of University employees, but rather to provide services for those who choose to request help with their problems. Your contact with CARS is confidential within the limits of applicable law and ethical guidelines. Individual assessments, short-term counseling, consultation and referrals are available. CARS also offers presentations on a variety of topics, voluntary mediation services, group crisis intervention, and team building.
C.A.R.S. (Counseling, Assistance &Referral Service) Phone 272-6868 University Hospital employees may contact C.A.R.S. directly (272-6868) or call Human Resources for information about available counseling & referral resources. Phone: 272.0942
The UNM-Los Alamos policy on illegal drugs and alcohol clearly states the standard for a Drug-Free, alcohol-Free campus. UNM's policy on illegal drugs and alcohol can be found online at http://cosap.unm.edu/policies/
The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of controlled substances or alcohol on UNM-Los Alamos property as part of any activity by any member of the University community faculty staff, or student - is strictly prohibited. Federal and State Laws relating to controlled substances and alcohol are enforced by the UNM- Los Alamos Administration.
As a condition of employment or enrollment, all UNM- Los Alamos employees and students are required to abide by the terms of the policy. Violation of the policy will result in disciplinary action up to and including employee dismissal or student expulsion and/or participation in an approved substance abuse treatment or rehabilitation program.
Smoking Policy: Smoking is permitted only in designated areas. This policy is in compliance with the New Mexico Clean Indoor Air Act 1985, and UNMs Business Policies and Procedures Manual, Policy 2250. Smoking is not permitted in any Los Alamos Campus building
Table 1a: UNM-Los Alamos Reported Crimes |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
Campus |
Public Property |
Campus |
Public Property |
Campus |
Public Property |
Murder/Non- Negligent Manslaughter |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Negligent Manslaughter |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Robbery |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Aggravated Assault |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Motor Vehicle Theft |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Arson |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Hate Crimes |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Burglary |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Dating Violence |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Domestic Violence |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Stalking |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Sexual Assault, Forcible |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Rape |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Fondling |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Sexual Assault, Non-Forcible |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Incest |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Statutory Rape |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Liquor Law Arrests |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Drug Arrests |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Illegal Weapons Possession |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Table 1b: UNM-Los Alamos Reported Crimes |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
Liquor Law Violations Referred for Disciplinary Action |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Drug Law Violations Referred for Disciplinary Action |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Illegal Weapons Possession Referred for Disciplinary Action |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Table 2. Fire Statistics: Campus Buildings and Student Housing |
2021 |
There were no fires or fire-related incidents at any of the UNM Los Alamos buildings this year. |
2022 |
There were no fires or fire-related incidents at any of the UNM Los Alamos buildings this year. |
2023 |
There were no fires or fire-related incidents at any of the UNM Los Alamos buildings this year. |