Academic Policies
Academic Policies
The policies described below are supplemental to the information found in every Course Syllabus. These are standard policies that students are encouraged to review at the beginning of each semester.
Table of Contents
| 1. Technical Needs |2. Computer Support and Resources | 3. Academic Support |4. UNM and UNM-LA Policies |
Computer Requirements
Many courses at UNM-LA require the frequent use of a computer. This is particularly true of web-enhanced, hybrid and online courses. For these courses, you must have access to a computer and to the internet, and you will need to be familiar with the use of a browser such as Chrome, Edge, Safari, or Firefox. Access to a broadband (high speed) internet network, such as DSL, cable, wireless, or satellite, is strongly recommended because some of the assignments may involve audio and video clips. You can access a broadband network at many libraries and on campus.
From the UNM-LA campus, you can access the internet from public computers, from computers in computer labs, and from computers in the library. To log into computers on campus, simply use your UNM Net ID and password. If you wish to use your own computer on campus, you can connect to one of the UNM-LA Wireless networks. Instructions for accessing these are given here: http://losalamos.unm.edu/campus-life/computing-services/wireless-network.html
In web-enhanced, hybrid and online courses, some minimum hardware and software are required in order to complete the course. A list of software that is required for Canvas can be found here https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Basics-Guide/What-are-the-browser-and-computer-requirements-for-Canvas/ta-p/66 and in your online classroom. You can also contact your professor directly; they can also supply you with a list of course-specific software that you will need in your course. Some software is available to download for free from UNM at: http://it.unm.edu/software/index.html
Canvas can be accessed on a desktop computer, laptop computer or mobile device. Please keep in mind that mobile browsers are not supported in Canvas, and many course features may not function as expected (i.e. Kaltura; Respondus Lock Down Browser). You can also find more information about the Canvas mobile app here: : https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Mobile-Users/gh-p/mobile See this document for more information about the Canvas mobile app functionality: https://s3.amazonaws.com/tr-learncanvas/docs/Mobile_CanvasStudent.pdf UNM Canvas support does offer some minimal support for the mobile app (canvas@unm.edu). Please keep in mind that UNM LA IT and/or instructors may not be familiar with the Canvas student app and will not be able to assist you if you have questions about its use.
UNM-LA Computer Account Policy
You are required to have a UNM campus account (NetID). You will use this account to register for classes through MyUNM, http://my.unm.edu. This account is also used to read and send e-mail (the UNM email address looks like NetID@unm.edu), print transcripts, check financial status, and check degree progress.
You are required to check your UNM email (LoboMail) periodically, because this is the main communication method used by the university. You may forward your LoboMail to another email address; however, this is not encouraged by UNM and not supported by UNM IT personnel. https://unm.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/6701/kw/forward%20lobomail.
You can access your email via MyUNM by clicking on the “MyUNM” at the top of the UNM–Los Alamos web page (http://losalamos.unm.edu) or the Main Campus web page (http://www.unm.edu), or by typing in the web address http://my.unm.edu. Just to the left of the Login button for MyUNM are icon buttons to access Lobomail and Canvas. You must then log in using your NetID and password. Secondary authentication may also be required.
You should be aware of the computer use policies as they affect your education at UNM-LA. See Computer Use Policy links on this page:
Student Support
UNM-Los Alamos offers support for students enrolled in classes using Canvas and online publisher sites. This includes help accessing and navigating sites such as Pearson Mastering, MyLab, Wiley platforms, etc. Please contact Kevin Rosenberger at rosenbergerkm@unm.edu.
Technical Support
If you are having computer or software problems, you can contact free UNM and UNM-LA technical support in one of the following ways:
- UNM IT Computer Support: 505-277-5757. For hours of operation, see https://unm.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/3351.
- Canvas Technical Support: call 505-277-0857, option 2, or Toll-Free: 1-877-688-8817; email canvas@unm.edu , or click on “Help” in the Global Navigation menu after logging into Canvas
- UNM Canvas Information Website: https://canvasinfo.unm.edu/students/index.html
- Canvas Student Guides: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Student/ct-p/canvas_student
- UNM FastInfo: https://unm.custhelp.com/ (UNM searchable knowledge base)
- UNM-LA IT support: go to http://losalamos.unm.edu/campus-life/computing-services/index.html
Training and Help for Canvas
Canvas provides a Student Resource Course to help you to get acquainted with Canvas. This course may be available in the course orientation of your online course. If it is not available there, please access the Canvas Resource Course at this website: https://design.instructure.com/courses/178 or visit https://canvasinfo.unm.edu/students/index.html to find other Canvas training resources for students.
Academic Support
Questions related to course organization, course setup, or course content should be directed to your instructor.
The UNM Center for Academic Program Support is available to all UNM students and provides many online services, including the Online Learning Center and free online peer tutoring for many courses. https://caps.unm.edu/
You can link to the UNM-LA Library web site here: http://losalamos.unm.edu/library/index.html . This page contains information about library holdings and services and electronic resources available in the UNM-LA Library.
You can access many electronic resources, including books and journals, through the UNM Main Campus Librariesat: http://library.unm.edu.
Student Services
Student Services is a central hub of information for prospective, current, and former students to find assistance and answers to questions about admissions, academic advising, registration, financial aid, and other resources on campus. http://losalamos.unm.edu/faculty-staff/student-services/index.html
UNM-Los Alamos conducts ongoing assessments of student learning so that we can continue to improve the curriculum to give students the best education possible. The data collected for this assessment will be selected by the instructor or the department and may come from exams, projects, or other assignments. The assessment will focus on the learning outcomes in this syllabus (listed above). The data from this assessment will be collected and reported anonymously. Data summaries will be reported to the department, to the Office of Instruction, and posted on the web. The information collected will be used to make improvements to curriculum and teaching. This assessment is not a reflection of your grade and is not a grading exercise; it is simply an evaluation of how well students are mastering certain skills.
Drop Policy
If you decide to drop this class, it is your responsibility to do so; you should be aware of University-wide posted deadlines for tuition refunds and mandatory assignment of grades. You should not assume that I will drop you before a deadline if you simply stop attending class.
Dropping a course may affect your financial aid status and/or tuition refund. A drop will result in a grade of “W.” If you do not officially drop the class, you will receive the grade earned based on the syllabus grading criteria, which may be an “F.”
Students’ Online Classroom Participation May Be Monitored
Online learning environments provide tools for instructors to monitor students’ participation and use of the environment. In addition to seeing all of the work that you submit online, I have access to records of when you logged in and what course materials you opened and submitted during each session. This data is made available to me to enable evaluation of class participation and to help me identify students having difficulties using the online environment.
Course Evaluations
You will be requested to participate in a course evaluation near the end of the course. UNM-LA requests that all students participate, because the information they provide is helpful in improving courses for future students.
Citizenship and/or Immigration Status:
All students are welcome in this class regardless of citizenship, residency, or immigration status. Your professor will respect your privacy if you choose to disclose your status. As for all students in the class, family emergency-related absences are normally excused with reasonable notice to the professor, as noted in the attendance guidelines above. UNM as an institution has made a core commitment to the success of all our students, including members of our undocumented community. The Administration’s welcome is found on our website: http://undocumented.unm.edu/
Sexual Misconduct Policy
In an effort to meet obligations under Title IX, UNM faculty, Teaching Assistants, and Graduate Assistants are considered “responsible employees” by the Department of Education (see pg 15 - http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/qa-201404-title-ix.pdf ). This designation requires that any report of gender discrimination which includes sexual harassment, sexual misconduct and sexual violence made to a faculty member, TA, or GA must be reported to the Title IX Coordinator at the Office of Equal Opportunity (oeo.unm.edu). For more information on the campus policy regarding sexual misconduct, see: https://policy.unm.edu/university-policies/2000/2740.html
Other Policies – Student Handbook
UNM-LA follows the UNM policies as stated in the Pathfinder – Student Handbook, which can be found at this link: https://pathfinder.unm.edu/.