UNM Los Alamos

Career Services

Career Services


About Career Services Contact Information Career Exploration Internships & Experience Job Search Resources

Events Drop-In Hours Student Resources Employer & Community Resources Faculty & Staff Resources



Why are Career Services Important?

Your career often defines your identity. The first question people most often ask after they meet someone new is “What do you do?” Your career satisfaction can determine your happiness, stress levels, and even relationship success. There are thousands of career options in the United States alone. Talk to Career Services for guidance and resources to make sure you are pursuing the best career for you, where you will get to use your strengths and are most likely to be happy, from high school graduation to retirement and beyond.


UNM-Los Alamos Student Services offers career services to assist students with self-exploration, major and career exploration, job-search preparation, and opportunities for gaining experience in their chosen fields. Career services also provide resources for staff, faculty, community members, and employers for job-searching, quantifying or translating skills, advertising job postings, and building connections to our student population.


How can Career Services help me choose a major?

An advisor can meet with you to discuss your interests and strengths to help identify subjects or career paths you may want to consider. Then the advisor can help you set up a plan to gain experience in these fields to try them out for yourself.

How can Career Services help me get a job?

An advisor can review your resume or help you build one, and then tailor it specifically for job postings. Advisors can also serve as network connections to find opportunities, help you understand job applications, and prepare you for interviews.

How do I get an internship?

The best way to find an internship is to talk to people you know, who are connected to people working in the field you want to pursue. Some companies have organized internships for which you can apply. Others may work on individual agreements. Advisors can help you connect with organized internship programs and help you develop a request for companies that might offer individual agreements.

What is the best way to stand out to employers?

 Your resume and cover letter are the best advertisements of your accomplishments and training. These documents should highlight the concrete things you have done that prove your claims (i.e., that you are a good worker or have experience in certain fields). In an interview, employers want to see both that you are true to what your resume said and that you are a good fit for the company. Soft skills, like communication, organization, time-management, and collaboration, are demonstrated in interviews by being on time, dressing professionally, having your paperwork in order, and being comfortable talking to people at all levels of their organization (i.e., receptionist to director).



Grace Willerton, GCDF
(505) 663-3402

Student Services Office
Building 1, Room 103
By appointment (limited availability in January & August)



Picking a Major

Explore your personality, interests, values, priorities, skills, and other traits to see which career options will fit you best. Then discuss your options with your advisor to help you pick a major and start pursuing your long-term goals.

Career Planning Process

Before you pick a career to pursue for the next 10-40 years, there are many important things to consider to make sure you are going to be satisfied and successful in it. The Career Planning Process walks you through 7 steps to ensure you are on the best path. Download the handout.


  • Student Services offers personal interviews, online resources, and informal assessments in a no-pressure environment to help you identify and sort through your interests, skills, and values related to future career options.
  • WorkKeys assessments can quantify your skills in math, reading, and locating information on order forms, schematics, etc. These scores can demonstrate concretely to employers that you meet their qualifications. Contact Grace Willerton to schedule these free assessments (approx. 1 hour per test).



Regular Internship Opportunities

Internships are the best way to gain relevant experience in your field and make sure the career path you have chosen is a good fit for you. 

Internship Search Websites




Resumes are often the first impression an employer will have of you. See the handouts below for guidance on crafting the perfect resume to highlight your strengths and accomplishments in the best way.

Download a Resume Guide.

Cover Letters

Cover letters are your opportunity to give evidence of your qualifications and experience for a job while getting to add a little of your personality. Use the handout below to guide you through writing a cover letter that is both personal and professional.

Download a Cover Letter Guide.

Networking & the Hidden Job Market

About 80% of jobs in today’s market are never posted or already have a candidate in mind. You can tap into this “hidden job market” by talking to your network of family, friends, and other acquaintances to find employers looking to hire in your field.


A job interview is the last step to getting hired. You must make a good impression, demonstrate confidence, and give concrete examples of your experience that proves you are the perfect candidate for the job. See the handouts below for recommendations on the best ways to prepare and present yourself professionally.

Download an Interviewing Guide: STAR Method.

Useful Links

UNM Career Services: career.unm.edu

O*Net occupation database:  www.ONetOnline.org

My Next Move: www.MyNextMove.org

N.M. Workforce Connection: www.jobs.state.nm.us/vosnet/

N.M. Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR): www.dvr.state.nm.us/

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS): www.bls.gov

BLS Occupational Outlook Handbook:  www.bls.gov/ooh

WAGE Project: www.wageproject.org

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC): www.eeoc.gov/

U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (ETA): www.doleta.gov/



Job fair

The UNM-LA Annual Job Fair happens every spring. Meet employers from Los Alamos, Espanola, and Santa Fe, who are hiring summer, part-time and full-time positions at all levels of experience and education. Dress professionally and bring a few copies of your polished resume to apply for jobs on the spot!

2025 UNM-Los Alamos Spring Job Fair Date: April 10
Location: Fuller Lodge 

Click here for more information.


Campus Workshops

Workshops about various career topics are offered throughout the school year. Topics include exploring career options, writing resumes and cover letters, interviewing, networking, and developing professional skills. See the Academic Support Center or Student Services for a schedule of upcoming workshops.

Spring 2025

All workshops and drop-ins are FREE and open to the community!

Resumes 101

If you don't have a resume and aren't sure where to start, this workshop will cover the basics.

  • Tuesday, March 4
    11:30 am - 12:30 pm
    Building 2 - Room 203

  • Thursday, March 27
    2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
    Building 2 - Room 203

Connecting at Job Fairs

Discover techniques for networking and interviewing with potential employers!

  • Monday, March 10
    11:30 am - 12:30 pm
    Building 2 - Room 203

Resume Review Drop-In Hours

If you would like a one-on-one review of your resume, Drop-in Hours will be available after both Resume 101 workshops.

  • Tuesday, March 4
    12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
    Building 2 - Room 203

  • Thursday, March 27
    3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
    Building 2 - Room 203





Student Services advisors now offer drop-in hours in the Career Center. Please see the calendar below for dates and times.





Professional Clothing Closet

A good, professional suit or outfit will help you impress and represent yourself well to employers. The Professional Clothing Closet has interview-worthy attire that students may take for FREE to use for career-related purposes, like an interview or internship. Talk to Student Services to schedule your visit to the Closet.



Advertising Job Postings

Job posting information may be submitted on UNM-LA's Employment and Internships website. Postings will be listed on this website for public viewing until the best consideration date provided by employers. Employers are also invited to participate in the semi-annual Los Alamos Job Fair each fall and spring.

UNM-LA will provide a table and access to outlets, etc. with your FREE registration. If employers are unable to attend the job fair, you may request to schedule an individual visit to campus, with a table provided by UNM-LA. Contact Grace Willerton at gwillert@unm.edu for more information.

Community Career Services

Community members are welcome to schedule career services appointments, dependent on advisors’ availability. Appointment availability is limited during peak academic advising times in January and August. The most common services provided are career exploration and individual resume reviews. The semi-annual Job Fair is also open to all community members of Los Alamos and neighboring areas to attend.



Classroom Presentations

  At any faculty member’s request, an advisor can visit your classroom and give a brief presentation on the resources available through Career Services. Grace Willerton may also be available to serve as a substitute for a class session to engage your students in self- or career exploration or job-search preparation activities. Contact Grace for brief presentations or to determine her availability to substitute for a class.

Writing Recommendation Letters

Faculty members are the best sources of recommendation letters for students and recent graduates. Faculty can attest to students’ abilities, competencies, work ethic, attitude, and many other traits that employers may be seeking. Career Services offers recommendations and resources if you would like assistance writing recommendation letters. Please allow a minimum of two days for a thorough response to specific requests.