Online Learning
Welcome to Online Learning at UNM-Los Alamos, your one-stop spot for information about online learning offered from UNM's Los Alamos Campus. Here you can obtain information about all aspects of the online classes offered online at UNM-LA. If you’re taking a hybrid or web-enhanced class, you’ll find more information about these here, too.
Information for: Students | Faculty
Canvas is the course delivery system that is used at UNM for online, hybrid, and web-enhanced courses. These types of courses are identified in UNM-LA’s printed course schedule and on the Class Schedule page.
To login to a course that uses Canvas, click on the Canvas button, below:
CanvasState Authorization
Please see the links below for information related to a state's responsibilities to offer distance education:
State Requirements for Distance Education: statewide.unm.edu/online/state-authorization
Authorization Status for Each State: https://online.unm.edu/online-degrees/state-authorization/state-authorization.html