UNM Los Alamos

Giving to UNM-Los Alamos

Giving to UNM-Los Alamos


Donate $25 Donate $50 Donate $100 All options for donations.

Why give to the UNM-Los Alamos Success and Support Fund?

It will provide key academic support and programming to ensure that students can stay on their educational path and meet their goals. Students often face personal obstacles and challenges that impede their academic progress and success. Overseen by the Chancellor, this fund will also provide a flexible safety net directly impacting UNM-Los Alamos students. Many students have challenges that derail their progress, such as food insecurity, lack of childcare, unforeseen financial difficulties, etc. By giving to this fund, we will be able to be responsive and help students by removing some of these barriers to their progress.

To give through the University of New Mexico Foundation Donate 

Why give to the UNM-Los Alamos Endowment?

The UNM-LA Endowment fund will be used for big-picture, long-term support to the entire UNM-Los Alamos campus! These flexible funds can be utilized to address unforeseen campus repairs, much-needed, long-term capital projects, initiate new student programming and support services, support faculty professional development, or endow a professorship in a specialized area.

To give through the Los Alamos Community Foundation, click here Donate 

Considering your legacy in Los Alamos?

An efficient and meaningful way to invest in UNM-Los Alamos that best represents your values is to leverage your retirement and investment assets, and/or include us in your estate plans! For information and local expert referrals, contact Karen Williams, UNM-LA Director of Development karen.williams@unmfund.org

Other Ideas

If you would like to explore your unique idea for contributing to a particular UNM Los Alamos program, department, professorship, or campus initiative, reach out today! Karen Williams, UNM-LA Director of Development karen.williams@unmfund.org

Thank you! Your financial support is sincerely appreciated!

If you would prefer to mail in your gift, please send it to:

Dr. Mike Holtzclaw, Chancellor
UNM Los Alamos
4000 University Drive
Los Alamos, NM 87544