Institutional Effectiveness at UNM-LA
Institutional effectiveness is the commitment an organization undertakes to regularly and critically examine their processes and how well they achieve their mission. At UNM-LA, our goal is to engage in a culture of success:
- We determine what outcomes we want;
- We perform;
- We examine our performance;
- We find strengths and weaknesses in our performance;
- We celebrate our successes;
- We evaluate our weaknesses for opportunities to improve;
- We begin again.
Through this cyclic process of annual assessment and regular program reviews, every program and department on campus participates in documenting and improving their performances and outcomes. This process aids UNM-LA in ensuring that the needs, purposes, and mission of the University are being achieved.
As a resource for faculty there is a timeline for important deadlines as well as templates to help you with reporting below. If you are interested in more information please visit the UNM Assessment site or the Academic Program site at the main campus website.
UNM-Los Alamos General Education Assessment Report
Academic Year: 2021-2022
UNM General Education Assessment Report
Assessment of General Education programming is required by the New Mexico Higher Education Department (NMHED). The NMHED established five General Education essential skills to be taught and assessed at all New Mexico post-secondary institutions. These reports include quantitative and qualitative analysis of student artifacts relating to the five essential skills.
If you have any questions, please contact the UNM-Los Alamos' Assessment Coordinator, Peninah Wilpo at peninah@unm.edu or call 505-662-0347.