From the UNM Newsroom
Page Returns to Faculty Position at UNM-Los Alamos

Cedric Page, executive director of the University of New Mexico-Los Alamos branch campus, will leave his position at the end of June and return to the UNM-Los Alamos faculty as Professor of Geography, the university announced today. Page has been the branch’s director since July 2007.
“Seven years is an impressive term of service for a campus executive,” noted UNM President Robert Frank, “and I’m confident that the partnerships Dr. Page has forged with local, state and federal agencies and organizations will continue to benefit UNM-Los Alamos well into the future. We are grateful for the leadership he has provided, not only in Los Alamos, but for the larger university community.”
During Page’s tenure as executive director, UNM-Los Alamos increased its enrollment by 18 percent and nearly doubled its contract and grant revenues, to a total of $1.3 million in the most recent fiscal year. Page has also served as the president of the New Mexico Association of Community Colleges and on the board of directors for the United Way of Northern New Mexico (Los Alamos and Rio Arriba Counties). He is an education specialist for the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges, a member of the board of directors for Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Northern New Mexico, the Los Alamos Commerce and Development Corporation, and the Regional Development Corporation.
Wynn Goering, chief executive officer of UNM West in Rio Rancho, will assume responsibility for UNM-Los Alamos as of July 1. “UNM is committed to strengthening its presence in Los Alamos,” said Frank, “and we’re asking Dr. Goering to head up the effort to determine how best to accomplish that.” Goering also serves as special assistant to the president for branch affairs at the university.