Admitted Students
Congratulations and welcome to UNM Los Alamos!
This page summarizes just a few of the many things that you need to know in order to be successful at UNM Los Alamos.
Now that you have been admitted, here are the next steps:
- Obtain your UNM ID Number.
- Set up your UNM Net ID and password by going to my.unm.edu and clicking on “Create a NetID.” Your NetID will be your user name for accessing your UNM account, personal information, registration, records and financial aid information.
- Make an appointment with an Academic Advisor to review your degree program requirements and plan a schedule. Schedule your appointment with the Financial Aid Officer at the same time to review aid eligibility. Call the Student Services front desk at 662–5919 to make your appointment.
- Register for classes through LoboWeb.
- Order your books online through the UNM Los Alamos Online Bookstore. If you have Financial Aid, you may be eligible for a book voucher. These can be obtained from the Cashier in Building 1.
- Get your LoboCard at the Library.
- Pay your bill and be sure any financial aid has been applied.
- If you are a veteran, meet with the Registrar to have your schedule certified. This will need to be done every semester.
Once you are admitted, you do not have to re-apply for admission each term. If you do not enroll in a course for three consecutive semesters, your record will go inactive and you will have to re-apply for admission.
UNM ID Number
Your UNM ID Number is assigned at the time of admission. It uniquely identifies each student and employee in the accounting and academic systems at UNM. After admission, it is used in place of a social security number. Sometimes the UNM ID Number is also referred to as the Banner ID.
NetID and UNM Email
Every student is required to set up a NetID after admission. Your NetID provides you with a UNM email address as well as access to and important online functions such as registration, class schedule, unofficial transcript, final grades, degree audits, demographic information, bursar and cashier transactions, student accounting, student financial aid and much more.
You can create your NetID by going to https://netid.unm.edu. Or, by going to https://my.unm.edu and clicking on the link titled “Create a UNM NetID.” You will need your birth date and social security number to complete the process.
When you create a NetID, a UNM email account is automatically created for you in this format: @unm.edu. Your UNM email address is the primary way that The University of New Mexico communicates with you. You will be responsible for notifications and information sent to your address from the University.
For more information about NetID, please see Fast Info Answer #3058. For information on forwarding your email to another address, see Fast Info Answer #404.
MyUNM is the University of New Mexico’s web-portal for access to many internal UNM resources. Using “myUNM,” students and employees can find easy access to important UNM functions and links, including LoboWeb.
LoboWeb is located within “myUNM” and allows you access to apply for admissions, add/drop classes, search class schedule, view final grades, submit degree audits, view bills, make payments, authorize others to make payments for you, view financial aid status, and more. To access Lobo Web, log into “myUNM,” click on the Student Life tab and click on the red LoboWeb Link.
Advisement Holds
Academic Advisement holds are put in place to help you stay on track for your degree program, offer support and contact with UNM-LA advisors, and help you plan for your future success. Please contact Student Services or your academic advisor to schedule your appointment, plan your schedule, and have your hold lifted. Advisement appointments can also be scheduled through Loboachieve.