Institutional Research
The UNM Los Alamos Institutional Research office, reporting to the executive director but serving the entire campus, acts as a clearinghouse for data about UNM-LA. UNM-LA Institutional Research office operates under the coordination and technical support of the UNM Office of Institutional Research. Many requests for information about UNM-LA, both external (e.g., state and federal agencies, the public) and internal are handled, by the IR office. In addition to providing data, we often engage in special studies, surveys and analyses to support UNMLA evaluation and promote understanding of the issues.
The mission of the UNM-LA Institutional Research office is to provide information about UNM-LA to the campus and outside individuals and organizations. We value: quality - accurate and timely information and analysis; satisfied customers; professional, highly motivated, and well-trained staff and a stimulating and desirable work environment.
The IR office accomplishes this mission through the following activities:
- Serves as a clearing house for UNM-LA institutional data (faculty, staff, student, course and financial aid data)
- Maintains, archives, and reports from longitudinal data sets.
- Provides scheduled and ad hoc data to UNM-LA administration for decision and planning purposes.
- Provides data to principal investigators writing grant proposals.
- Responds to ad hoc external data requests from the legislature, the HED, local agencies and others.
- Coordinates reporting of mandated data reports to federal and state government
- Supports accreditation reporting.
- Conducts student and alumni surveys, consults and advises administrative and instructional units on survey/research design and implementation.
- Conducts student retention analyses.
- Provides analytical support for enrollment management including enrollment patterns and trends, enrollment projections, attendance patterns (retention/attrition/graduation) analyses, etc.
- Conducts a variety of impact studies regarding students including course-taking patterns, performance of transfer students, among others.
- Publishes data and makes it available to the UNM-LA community and the public.<
- Develops and publishes UNM-LA Report Card (annual publication)
- Reports data measuring student access to post-secondary education, affordability, student progress and success, academic quality, and the effective and efficient use of resources for the annual Performance Based Budgeting Report (PBB) published collectively with all NM Community Colleges.