UNM Los Alamos Inclement Weather Policy
Students, faculty and staff are not expected to take unnecessary risks with their personal safety. However, it is the policy of UNM-Los Alamos to remain open and conduct classes in all types of weather, unless appropriate authorities have prohibited travel. For additional information, please refer to UNM Inclement Weather Policy #3435.
On days when there is bad weather, please listen to local radio and television stations for information about UNM-LA. If you do not hear an announcement specifically referring to UNM-LA, then the campus is open and operating on a regular schedule. A delay means that classes scheduled before the late campus opening are CANCELED (For example, if a two-hour delay is announced, then classes scheduled to start before 10:00 a.m. are canceled. Classes that begin at or after 10:00 a.m. are on the regular schedule).
Campus delays and/or closings will be announced on the following radio and television stations:
- KOB-TV 4
- KRQE-TV 13
- KRSN-AM 1490
- KDCE-AM 950
- KKOB-AM 770 and KKOB-FM 93.3
- KKSS-FM 97.3
A message will also be recorded on the UNM-LA phone system indicating delayed classes or campus closure. Please call 1-800-894-5919 or 662-5919 for inclement weather information.
Faculty members who cannot meet their regularly scheduled classes should call the Office of Instruction and ask that staff notify their students as early as possible of a delay or cancellation for a specific class. Faculty members should also make arrangements to reschedule any canceled classes. Students should inform their instructors if they are unable to make it to class due to inclement weather.
UNM-LA Employees: According to UNM policy, time off due to the announced delay or closure will be reported as paid administrative leave and shall not be considered as time worked for overtime compensation purposes. When an employee misses additional work time beyond the time indicated for the delay to end or because he or she needs to leave early even when the University is not closed, the employee must:
- make up the time missed under suitable conditions approved by the supervisor, if operational needs permit (up to two [2] hours);
- take annual leave; or
- take leave without pay.
(Please refer to UNM Inclement Weather Policy #3435 for more specific details).