UNM Los Alamos

For Younger Students

For Younger Students

The 2014 Summer Program for Youth!

The Summer Program For Youth is a Fun, Educational Activity for Kids of All Ages.

Registration begins: April 21
Sessions begin: July 14

For a fraction of the cost of traditional summer camps, your child can stay close to home and enjoy a week in our Summer Program For Youth, exploring science, technology, engineering, math (STEM), business, emergency preparedness, and psychology! A limited number of scholarships are available.

Children’s College 
1st–3rd Grades

Adventures at the University

Students rotate through different workshops each day. Topics include powerful polymers, fairies in a jar, recyclable art, petroglyphs, pulleys, catapults, water bugs and more!

July 14–18, 2014, 8:00–12:00, $145.00

Register For Children's College 

Youth College 
4th–6th Grades


Use evidence and reasoning to solve puzzles, uncover clues, find missing objects, and unravel mysteries!

July 14–18, 1:00–5:00, $145.00


Use Lego MindStorm kits to build and use robots; learn to work in teams and develop programming skills while creating amazing robots.

July 14–18, 1:00–5:00, $145.00

University Explorations

Explore a variety of topics that you can find at the university. Learn the psychology behind mind control; try out the physics and engineering behind ping pong catapults, building out of paper, and pulleys; save the environment by repurposing materials into works of art—and launch a rocket on the last day of class!

July 14–18, 1:00–5:00, $145.00

Register For Youth College 

Teen College 
7th–10th Grades

(Take both AM & PM classes for $275.00)


Use evidence and reasoning to solve puzzles, uncover clues, find missing objects, and unravel mysteries!

July 21-25, 9:00–1:00, $145.00

A Decade a Day:
Experience History

Experience a decade each day, starting with the 1950s, through technology and media, reenactment, music, and problem solving—experience living in a totalitarian regime, walking in the shoes of Jimi Hendrix, reenact key battles, and experience history of gaming culture.

July 21–25, 9:00–1:00, $145.00

Mind Control

Whose mind do you want to control? Your friends’ brains? Your dog’s brain? Your brain? Come learn all about how the brain works!

July 21–25, 9:00–1:00, $145.00

Introduction to Game Design

Learn how to create simple platform games, like your own Super Mario, by learning basic code, art design, and basic game A.I., using the Stencyl Program.

July 21–25, 1:30–5:30, $145.00


Investigate cyber crime, hacking, and compete in teams to solve the biggest challenge “Capture the Flag.”

July 21–25, 1:30–5:30, $145.00

The Art and Science of Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse

What critical skills do you need survive? Learn basic wilderness first aid, how to create emergency response plans, and outdoor survival. Make a smokeless fire, safely harvest wild edible plants and build invisible shelters the zombies will never find. And become a zombie on the last day when you learn the art of special effects make-up.

July 21-25, 1:30–5:30, $145.00

Register For Teen College 

Required Waivers

Please download, read and accept or decline all of the required waivers.  The “Participation Waiver” must be “Accepted” in order for a student to participate in the program.


Contact Information

Eileen Gallegos, Program Coordinator
Phone: (505) 662-0346
Email: egalleg1@unm.edu
Eva Artschwager, Director
Phone: (505) 695-5797
Email: eartschw@unm.edu

Visit Us:
Our office is located in Building 7, Lower Level.