Early Alert Program
Early alerts are sent to advisors via the LoboAcheive system. Faculty can raise a "flag" in LoboAchieve to notify the student and advisors of a student in difficulty. Advisors then contact students to offer support and guidance and facilitate the student's success. Early alerts do not appear on the permanent record.
Student success is our goal at UNM Los Alamos. The Early Alert Program is a campus-wide effort to support student success by identifying and warning students who may be in danger of failing one or more courses.
Instructors may identify students and issue early alerts for poor class attendance, trouble with subject matter, low test/quiz scores, not completing assignments, writing deficiencies, or other measures of academic performance.
Early Alerts are not grades and they do not appear on student records. They are a way for instructors and advisors to notify students of concerns and to help identify resources on campus. Available resources include tutoring, advising, workshops, campus involvement, the Library or the Academic Support Center.
Students: If you receive an early alert or are struggling in any of your classes, speak to your instructor or make an appointment to meet with an advisor. We are here to help.