Collection Development Policy
The following Collection Development Policy has been developed and adopted by the UNM-Los Alamos Library. The policy attempts to provide for a balanced collection of resources in a variety of subject areas and material formats. While the library is open to all members of the greater community, the collection policies must first take into account the academic curriculum of UNM-Los Alamos. Space and cost (including the cost of processing) are also considered when collecting materials for the library. All materials acquired are subject to evaluation and approval by the Library Director.
The UNM-Los Alamos Library has always and continues to celebrate diversity by collecting resources representing people of all races, ethnicities, cultures, genders, and sexual orientations, including resources about and by these diverse individuals.
General Policy
The University of New Mexico-Los Alamos Library collects the following in a variety of formats:
- resources in support of course offerings at UNM-Los Alamos
- resources in support of faculty research at UNM-Los Alamos
- up-to-date academic resources of general interest substantiated by academic research
- resources in support of regional or local interest (e.g. southwest materials including children's literature; local authors; etc.)
The University of New Mexico-Los Alamos Library DOES NOT collect the following:
- text books (whether or not used for a course)
- materials of any kind designated as appropriate for only upper division or graduate level*
- materials with a narrow focus not substantiated by academic research (e.g. with blatantly biased or opinionated tendencies)
- popular fiction (except when used in designated courses, or if appropriate for a special collection, or occasionally, an award-winning novel by a well-known author)
- non-academic materials of general interest
*UNM-Los Alamos, by law, is designated and funded by the state of New Mexico as a two-year community college; therefore, state monies may not be used for materials designated as appropriate for only upper-division and graduate level. Use of private donated monies may be used for such materials at the discretion of the Library Director if specifically requested by the donor or a faculty member.
All library patrons (faculty, staff, students, and community members) are welcome to recommend books and other resource formats to be acquired for the library. Recommended materials will be acquired if the following conditions are met:
- items meet the criteria stated in the collection development policy
- there is space for the recommended items
- the recommended items are still in print and can be acquired (out of print materials of exceptional merit/value may be acquired from antiquarian dealers if the cost is reasonable)
- the budget can accommodate the request
The library is not currently accepting any donations of books or other physical resource formats.Basis for Policy
This policy is based on established practices of academic libraries in the United States as sanctioned by The American Library Association (ALA) and accredited schools of Library and Information Sciences. Whenever possible, these practices accommodate the programs offered by the academic institution, the interests of the greater community, and as necessary, consider the physical and fiscal limitations of the library. This policy has been formulated in consultation with UNM Libraries, the UNM-Los Alamos Dean of Instruction, and the Library Committee at UNM-Los Alamos.